What you need to know about coronavirus

victims of padamic require immediate aid transitionalrecovery assistance and long term medical care

Health Care

Symptoms of COVID-19

Body Temperature
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Prolonged Cough
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Shortness of Breath
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General weakness
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Know the Symptoms of COVID - 19

How To Protect Yourself

Imagine living in a world where you don't feel safe, and every day is a challenge to survive. There are regions where people do live like this, unfortunately. We highly recommend you follow these rules.

Non-perishable food
Bottled Water
FirstAid Kit
Warm Clothing
Baby Supplies
Pet Supplies

Take Everyday Precautions

Wash Your Hands

Touching your face allows the germs on your hands to get into your eyes, mouth and nose, infecting you


Dont Touch Your Face

Touching your face allows the germs on your hands to get into your eyes, mouth and nose, infecting you


Avoid Sick People

Avoiding places where over 100 people gather minimizes the risk of catching the virus and getting sick



Frequently Asked Questions

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Basics

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. It was first identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has since spread globally.

How It Spreads

How to protect your self

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Dissinfication:Free Medical Care Citizen

we believe that getting medical examination or a dental appoinment should be a basic,trivial th ing all citizens of the virus epidemy

Dissinfication:Free Medical Care Citizen

we believe that getting medical examination o r a dental appoinment should be a basic,trivial thing all citizens of the virus epidemy